So Many Blessings

Psalm 13: 5-6  But I will trust in Your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in Your salvation. I will sing to the LORD; for He has been good to me.

9 kitties loved web

Kitties names; Top – Graygee, 2nd row- Georgie, Ringo (brothers), 3rd row- Marty, Miss Kitty, Misty, 4th row- Boots, Kaysee, 5th row- Monster (he loves his hugs)

I love animals, all animals. I remember Sunday afternoons as a little girl, on my grandpa’s farm. At the end of the day we would cozy up and and watch National Geographic on the tv. And of course, my family had a dog and many cats over the years. My mum always joked that we had a sign over our house welcoming all stray animals.

Naturally as my children grew, I wanted to give them the special blessings of loving and caring for a pet. Yet for the last 13 years, the landlord from whom we rent our home does not allow pets. It is a sad reality for many families.

One November day a Tortoiseshell kitty sat on our front step and decided not to leave. Since it was a winter day, I put out a basket with warm blankets and some food. Yes, we happened to have cat food on hand because sometimes the neighbor kitty came over to play with my boys and eat some crunchies. I think I have a sign over my house too! The kitty was still there the next morning. We drove around looking for ‘lost kitty’ posters, but found none, so we made ‘found kitty’ posters and put them up around the area. After a couple days, the nights were getting cold so I brought her into the house. I could not bear to close the door on her again.

If you are an animal lover, or even a ‘liker’ (if that is a word), you will be able to predict what happened next. We named her. Cally became relaxed and comfortable with us and her sweet nature began to shine. It did not take long for our hearts to grow attached to her. Seriously, she played fetch up and down the stairs! What could I do? If it was reported that we had a pet, then we could be evicted.

I was at a fork in the road. Do I take the left or the right path.

Psalm 32:8  I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.

Proverbs 11:3 The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.

The right path always begins on our knees, so I sought the Lord. These are the “hindsight is 20/20” moments and are important teaching moments in your journey. Remember that your children are watching and taking notes!

Since everything is better left in God’s hands, that is where I left loving Cally. God had always provided everything that we needed so I knew that if He wanted Cally’s home to be with us, then He would allow it. I wrote to our landlord asking permission  to be able to adopt this sweet kitty that had found us. After all, there were many families in the complex that owned pets, even though they were not supposed to and yet were never evicted. It was very tempting to use the excuse, “Well if they can own pets here then why can’t we?”.

But that would be a child’s excuse and who’s will was I trying to follow anyway?

Romans 8:5-9 Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires, but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.

Ephesians 5 :17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is

We know that God granted Nehemiah favour in the eyes of King Artaxerxes to be released as his cup-bearer for a time. He allowed Nehemiah to go back to Jerusalem to lead in the repairing of the wall (Nehemiah 1:10). Remember, although someone else may have authority over our lives, ultimately God is in control and all are under His authority. In the end God gave me peace in my heart that I was on the right path, whether or not Cally was ours to keep.

We did not have to wait long for an answer. The answer was no. We could not keep and love Cally as our own. My heart plummeted. Of course I could not understand how adopting Cally could not be God’s will for my little family. Yet I knew my human mind just did not comprehend the ways of God and I had to obey. God is faithful, loving and just, we cannot forget His character.

Soon after we drove her to a centre where she would be adopted out to a family. Oh how our hearts were hurting and sad. That night at bedtime, Madi said, with tears in his eyes, that he missed Cally. We all started to cry and I just held both my boys.

Now many years later, I look back and understand (for the most part) why God had said no and also blessed us for obeying. Everyone around us has pets; my sisters, my parents, extended family and even my neighbor (though it is not allowed). My boys and I have become kitty caretakers and we love and are loved by many kitties now. We have so many special memories and funny stories and have been filled with joy because of God’s many blessings to us. We have all the blessings of loving and caring for pets without the cost of ownership and the threat of being evicted.

Every choice or decision has consequences and God knew better than me what they would have been if we had kept Cally.

The right path isn’t always the easy choice, but we have to trust in God and submit to Him and His best for us. Believe me He will surround you with His favour and blessings and fill your heart with joy. ❤

Psalm 5:11-12 But let all who take refuge in You be glad;  let them ever sing for joy. Spread Your protection over them, that those who love Your name may rejoice in You.  For surely, O LORD, You bless the righteous; You surround them with favour as with a shield. 

Whatever is heavy on your heart this week bring it before our Lord and give it to Him. He loves you and desires His best for you.

May God bless you and fill you with His amazing peace!




1 thought on “So Many Blessings

  1. Thank you Shannon for sharing your insight through you and your family’s heart-tugging experiences with your precious kitties. Thanks for directing us to God’s word and the blessing of giving “it” all to him. Wonderful story and beautiful picture!


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